Thursday, October 29, 2015

Kick'n it

Hey guys! So today I'm headed down to St. Simons to hangout with a ton of UGA fans getting ready for a huge game! I'm so excited to have a day off of school and to escape this rainy weather for some serious sunshine!

If I wasn't going to St. Simons I would be in the gym kickboxing. I do it every Thursday and need to find other times to squeeze it in. I really enjoy it. It makes working out fun and more interesting than 30 minutes on the treadmill. I also love it because I'm so small and usually called small fry, nugget, lil' monkey and any other name for short (fun sized) people. Kickboxing empowers me and makes me feel strong. I love it. It gets my anger out and allows me to feel bigger.

I got started kickboxing because a friend invited me. I met her on the first game day when our dates pretty much stuck us together. I asked her to go to diner with me, and she asked me to kickboxing. Now we are really good friends, and I love getting to catch up with her every Thursday!

I would encourage everyone to find a way to exercise that makes you feel good, is fun, and doesn't seem like exercising. In my class we learn punch sequences, work on our kicks, and still do abs and pushups. It's like all you need in one place at one time. It really is amazing and I feel amazing after it.

WARNING: Do NOT mess with me. I'm small but pack real punch! Here are some pictures I got Audrey to take. Yes, I look so ridiculous trying to look intense but I thought they were kind of fun.

Have an amazing weekend! Root for the DAWGS! Be thankful for everyone around you!

How do you workout? Walk? Hike? Run? Bike? Swim?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wish I May Wish I Might

Hey Everyone! Thanks for sticking with the blog, and if you are new WELCOME to DEARLY BEAUTIFUL! Check out my other posts, especially my favorites 10 Things Female Sports Fans Go Though and my 101 in 1001 List!

Okay so I got to go home this weekend to see my beautiful family! I was really getting in the fall mood and the dorm doesn't let me do many fun fall things, so I decided that I wanted to carve pumpkins and bake with pumpkin too. I set out to make an adorable face for my odd pumpkin and these Pumpkin Whoopie Pies. It was great just taking the day off and doing things that aren't possible in a shoebox.

The best part though is that Saturday night my sisters and I went to TAYLOR SWIFT! It was amazing, and we had the best time with 57,000 of our closest friends. I have to say that Taylor is so good! She is such a great role model, encouragers, and performer. She puts on a show, and stays true to herself. Love, Love, Love her and all that she stands for!

Now onto the real post: Today I want to compile a list of things I have my eye on in the fashion world. These usually end up in a note on my phone just wait to be checked off. They are making an appearance on the blog today and I hope you love them! Also one item that recently got off of the list and into my closet was this bucket bag from LuLu's for 25 dollars. I had to snag this because it is a trend that I am not willing to spend a fortune on, but wanted to add it to my collection! I'm trying to find affordable pieces of the styles on my list to share with you because as a college student on a budget I want to look my best but no break the bank! ENJOY!

1. A leather tote!

2. Pointed toe flats & heels (maybe in a fun color or pattern?) 

3. Ripped boyfriend Jeans 

4. Black ankle boots

5. Gucci Bag (As my "only in my dreams" purse) BUT Fossil has a more affordable one! They both come in many different colors and styles!

I also have my eyes on a felt hat, a black jumpsuit, a fur vest, a leather jacket, and a long pastel coat! Let me just tell you…It was hard finding all of these pictures because it included online shopping and dying over shoes and bags! Help! I hope you have an amazing day and week! I also hope the weather where you are is a lot better than the weather here!

 P.S. It's Florida hate week so… GOOOO DAWGS!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My 101 in 1001 Days

Hey Guys! So If you haven't heard of a 101 in 1001 you're in for a treat! It is essentially a bucket list, but in a shorted and more attainable amount of time (about 2.75 years). Mackenzie Horan from Design Darling create the concept and has been inspiring so may bloggers to write their own! It was hard coming up with 101 things but I think I have the perfect list! Stay tuned because I can't wait to blog about crossing things off! I hope you enjoy it! I'll also be keeping an updated list on the 101 in 1001 tab at the top!

Start: October 22, 2015 & End: July 19, 2018

For the Blog (0/16)

1. Share my blog with my world
2. Guest post for a blogger
3. Learn how to use a camera properly
4. Invest in a camera
5. Buy photoshop
6. Learn how to use photoshop to help the blog
7. Join a blogging community
8. Create 3 new blog series
9. Meet 5 blogging friends
10. Have 10 guest blog posts
11. Make 3 DIY for the blog 
12. Get my own domain name 
13. Make a blog Pinterest 
14. Get the Blog look perfect
15. Get sponsored
16. Host a giveaway

For Fun (0/27)

17. Learn to cook a go-to date meal
18. Host a "friends giving"
19. Host a brunch 
20. Visit the high museum
21. Start painting and drawing (create signature piece)
22. Read 20 new books
23. Learn and use record player
24. Find 5 records of oldies to love
25. Go to a fashion show
26. Make an investment in a staple fashion piece 
27. Become friends with 5 senior ADPis
28. Organize pictures 
29. Organize my personal Pinterest 
30. Create a scrapbook
31. 10 new restaurants
32. Watch 5 classic films
33. Create something awesome to sell
34. One month without shopping
35. Go to 3 concerts at the GA theater
36. Get a blow out for a special event
37. Go to a ball/ nice event with a pretty dress 
38. 5 new styles for my hair
39.Bake 3 deluxe cookies batches 
40. Make a multilayer gourmet cake (more than 4)
41. Calligraphy Workshop
42. Sewing class
43. Plan a surprise party

For my Future (0/7)

44. Minor in a passion
45. Take a random class that interests me
46. Find a mentor
47. Befriend 3 teachers
48. Have a summer Internship 
49. Figure out my major
50. Pick out a dream job

For my Family & Friends (0/12)

51. Go to 10 home Bball games with dad
52. Send granny flowers for no reason
53. Talk to her (granny) on the phone more often 
54. Plan a fun day with my sisters 
55. Get the parents all to myself for a day (3x)
56. Create a cookbook of favorite recipes with mom
57. Care packages to 5 friends in college
58. Write 10 letters to people who I love
59. Find my best (true) friends
60. Section hike the GA app trail with pop
61. Explore family history 
62. Write down granny's stories 

For adventure (0/11)

63. Get away with camp friends
64. Randomly visit a friend 
65. Spontaneous getaway
66. Travel to a new continent 
67. Scuba dive 
68. Visit a national park 
69. Camping trip
70. Road trip to 3 or more states
71. Visit 5 new cities (Maybe...New Orleans, Savannah, Boston, LA, San Fran?)
72. Go skydiving 
73. Go on a mission trip 

At UGA (0/11)

74. Sneak in the stadium
75. Go to a girls soccer game
76. Go to a girls club lax game
77. Go to a baseball game
78. Go to a hockey game 
79. Join a fun and weird club 
80. Be on the exec board for a organization
81. Do 3 Athens classic things 
82. Jump in the fountain
83. Drive up movie
84. Water tower

Health & Fitness (0/6)

85.  Try a juice cleanse 
86. Try hot yoga 
87. Run in a half marathon 
88. Make kick boxing a regular thing (weekly for 3 months)
89. Find a new workout class that is awesome
90. Meatless for 2 weeks

For Good (0/9)

91. Save change in a jar for a year
92. Journal everyday for 2 weeks (cont)
93. Donate my own money to a cause
94. Tip someone 50 dollars 
95. Be brave enough to give blood
96. One month without fast food
97. Help out rising freshman coming to UGA from Marist 
98. Meet 5 new random people and have a meaningful convo with them 
99. Pay for someone's meal

100. Finish my list of 101 things (including 101)
101. OPEN 

What are some things that you have always wanted to? Did I leave anything important off my list? 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Football is a Girl Thing Too

Hey guys! In honor of it being fall and football season, I asked my bestie Anne Arden to guest post. She is the biggest football fan I know, and thought she would write an amazing post. She delivered! I also had to put the Georgia Stadium at the top because GO DAWGS!

Hope you like it:

If you are a girl and you love football just as much as I do, then you know the struggles girls such as ourselves face every single day. Youre never taken seriously, and even if you are, that respect did not come without doubt in the beginning from boys who think that they know everything. Im Anne Arden and am currently a Freshman at the University of Florida and when Allison asked me to write a guest post for her blog, I knew immediately what I wanted to write about. I want to talk about the TOP 1O THINGS every female sports fan goes through, and how you KNOW if youre a true female sports guru. #GIRLPOWER

1.) Most girls hate the ending of summer because its the end of going to the beach everyday and no school, but youre secretly crazy excited for Fall because that means one thingFOOTBALL IS BACK! Yes, tanning on the beach and having little responsibility is fun, but theres no denying the truth that College Gamedays are the best days.

2.) Your friends laugh at you every time you get an ESPN alert on your phone (which is quite often). My friends are constantly annoyed when I get an important ESPN buzz and just HAVE to talk about it (or most likely rant) to someone right then and there. Either someone got hurt, or suspended, or fired, or a team lost and I am physically required to rant about said alert. Usually they have no idea what Im talking about, but they let me rant and they listen anyways and thats why I love them.

3.) You feel as if you have a personal connection with every player on your fantasy football team. Like when a player is listed as Questionable for a game, there is nothing you want to do more than to just call him up and ask how hes feeling. Even further you just want to bring him something or do something to help him feel better. Those motherly instincts come out even when you least expect them, you did draft him after all.

4.) You go to as many football games as you can because watching it on TV just isnt the same. I know when Im at a game, Im either screaming or praying. Im ready in the stands whenever coach decides he needs me with loads of advice like, How about you try throwing on first down? or Why dont you try the Bubble Screen against this defense?. I feel like I play a vital role in the outcome of a game while in the stands even if Im just 1 of tens of thousands.

5.)Your best friends text you begging to send them snippets of sports knowledge so that they can impress a boy. I feel as if its my duty as their friend to give them more knowledge. It is actually embarrassing the number of times a friend has texted me something like, Quick give me some facts about the Steelers or Please tell me some Broncos players because they want  to impress a guy. Whether they like it or not, I know my friends know more about sports because of me than they would have otherwise, and I know that theyll thank me for it later.

6.) Youre convinced your future husband is out there somewhere in the same stadium you are at every game you attend. I mean he has to love football, right? Both of my sets of grandparents met through UF Football and Its a little terrifying to look around my campus and think, Guess I have to meet my future husband here…”. TERRIFYING. Well it was a totally different world back then, but Im still waiting for Tim Tebow to get back to me. One of my goals is to visit every SEC football stadium before Im 21 (So far Ive been to half, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas A&M, and Alabama), hes out there somewhere!

7.) There is no better shopping than Gameday shopping. Its no secret that I have a major shopping addictionmajor being an understatement. My friends know better than to try and stop me whenever I find something in my schools colors. Planning out gameday outfits is somewhat stressful, but also way too much fun. I have a designated section in my closet specifically reserved for gamedays and I wouldnt have it any other way. 

8.) You cry more over a bad loss than over a breakup. Yes, boys suck and they will break your heart, but true pain is evident in the tears that come after a horrible close game loss to your biggest rivals at your home stadium.

9.) Sunday is a day of restor in my case a day to relax on the couch watching NFL Redzone with my Dad with my laptop opened up to my fantasy football lineup, refreshing every 5 seconds (at least).

10.) You have a major girl crush on Erin Andrews. She has been my role model since..well…forever. From College Gameday to NFL Sunday and reporting on Professional Baseball she has taken the sports world by storm. She graduated from The University of Florida and is so smart and crazy gorgeous, its hard not to love her! She is an incredible journalist and I aspire so much to be like her (if getting paid to talk about sports while being given designer clothing to wear while doing it isnt the dream then I dont know what is).

I love football, but I also have a passion for basketball, baseball, and golf. I love the Gators, Jaguars, Celtics, Red Sox, and the Reds, and nothing can come between me and my love for my favorite golfers Bubba Watson, Phil Mickelson, and Adam Scott! I have no idea what the future holds for me. All I know right now is that whatever my future job is, if it has nothing to do with sports then it isnt the job for me. I hope you find whatever it is youre passionate about and pursue it, life shouldnt be boring and you should spend your time doing something you love every single day! My favorite, Tim Tebow, said it best: I dont know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.

P.S. Always remember to love God, Sweet Tea, and the SEC <3

 xoxo, Anne Arden 

Love, Love, Love this list and how true it is to her personality! I couldn't stop laughing!
Who is your favorite team? And if you aren't a sports fan…what is your passion?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Intern

Hey friends! So I haven't been to a movie since this summer (I think), but there is just something about going to the theater, eating some popcorn, and chilling. There has been no time to go to the movies with everything going on, and the fact that I don't have a car doesn't help much. BUT my lovely sorority gave us a treat and rented out a theater to watch the new movie The Intern with Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro. Midterm week was last week so everyone was slammed with work, so this was a surprise to reward us for working so hard. Somehow I only had one test last week and managed to avoid a ton much stress.

The Intern. I was super excited about it because Anne Hathaway hasn't been in many movies recently. I'm in love with the Devil Wears Prada, and Anna and I have watched it 3 times since we've moved in. And going back a bit I love The Princess Diaries! I was so excited to see this movie especially after seeing previews. It just looked like a meaningful, funny, entertaining movie…and it definitely delivered and exceeded expectations. Fun fact: I am not an action movie girl (I hate killing and violence) or a horror movie type. So I really loved this movie!!!

The movie was about a 70 year old man wanting something to pass his time because he is widowed and retired. A internet start-up turned sensation started a program for senior (citizen) interns. Robert De Niro plays Ben the new intern and Anne Hathaway plays the creative, all-over-the-place founder who definitely supports girl power. Watch the trailer below to get a peek of what the movie is all about!

One thing I really did love about this movie was the amazing message to young women and working moms. It shows a lot of the realities for working moms, but encourages them that it can all work out. For young women (myself included), this movie inspires! I love the idea of having a simple thought and taking off with it! They mention a lot of the struggles women have in the workplace, and I love how this movie brings light to issues in a way that isn't so in-your-face. There are such great values and messages being sent to women everywhere from this movie!

That's all for today! Stay tuned and follow on Instagram @dearlybeautiful and Twitter @dearlybeauty!!!

What is your favorite movie? What movies have you seen recently?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Roomie Life

Hey everyone. Currently I'm sitting on a bench on the North Campus (seriously beautiful!) trying to dodge the falling acorns. I'm enjoying this sunny cool weather that makes sitting outside the only reasonable option. I just had to mention this beautiful fall weather where it is acceptable to wear a sweater, shorts, or even a sweater dress, tights, a vest and boots like the women that just passed me. I'm not ready to go all out in fall clothing, although I did bring my fall clothes to Athens, but I'm getting there.

Yesterday my roommate, Anna, mentioned that someone had shared this article describing October as Hate Your Roommate Month. I believe that it's possible…I mean you've lived together for about 3 months. At this point the "honeymoon and everything is perfect stage" is pretty much over. You've had those late night breakdowns, your side room has gotten way out of hand, and maybe you went a little crazy one night. Your roommate now knows everything…and I mean everything. You can't hide yourself with someone that you live with 24/7. They know your good sides, your bad sides, and lets face it the weird sides of you. I understand this from my many years of camp. I mean a cabin with 7 other girls is not easy, but I was able to find my closest friends through those experiences. Being a roommate is hard… no doubt about it.

Well, when Anna was telling me this, she looked at me and said that she thought we were doing pretty well. I would fully agree. We are the perfect pair. She's so chill and cool about literally everything. I'm a little more tightly strung but she chills me out for sure. Our room is messy sometimes but never gets out of hand. We take turns buying Kind Bars and Chex Mix. We created a wall to share our memories of freshman year. We share clothes. We have roomie dates to Mellow Mushroom and Taqueria Del Sol. So I think we are doing great!

Here are my TIPS on how to be a great team with your roommate!

1. Spend time with your roommate. I mean seriously you can't get to know anyone and eventually be able to understand their flaws if you don't see them. In college there is so much going on and it is common to have totally different schedules with your roommate. There are some days where I won't see Anna from the time I leave the room until 10 a night, so carving out time to be together is so fun!

2. Be Understanding. Everyone is human. You have flaws too and I can guarantee that your roommate notices them. So just take the time to cool down and realize that being human means having flaws that may bug each other. Accept them and understand. Change your attitude to where that one thing doesn't get on your nerves but makes you love your roomie anymore.

3. Have Fun! Freshman year is a year that you will always remember, and It's only one year. I've heard that so many times, but now I am actually starting to believe it. Next year there is a large chance you won't be living with your freshman roommate. Anna and I are headed off to our separate sorority houses, so everything will change. Have fun with your roommate because they could potentially be life long friends. Nothing has to be too serious and just having some good old fashion fun can really make your roomie relationship good!!!

Well, I'm off to class and trying to enjoy more of the beautiful weather. Shoutout to Anna for stealing my clothes and taking the trash out! Love you! Also I hope you enjoy the selfie above just as much as I do. The guy in the background should feel honored he just made it on the blog! Happy fall!

Do you have any funny roommate story's? Have you stayed in touch with your freshman roomie?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Birthday Princess

Heyyyyyy! Guess What… It's my BIRTHDAY!

I absolutely love birthdays because I love celebrating people. It also gives you a reason to dress up, go to dinner, and have fun with all of your friends. I am so blessed to be able to share my birthday with my twin sister. She's amazing and never let anyone forget our birthday growing up. It was the biggest day of the year, and she counted down the days and months. We always had special traditions like cinnamon rolls in the morning on a plate that said "you are special today." Now that I'm away from home I appreciate those little moments so much.

Today's post is quick and simple. Here is another baby doll dress form TopShop. I paired it with a purse and shoes that my sister brought me back from Italy. I love this outfit because it is easy, comfortable, and cute! I would recommend having simple comfortable dresses to just throw on when you need to. I personally love dresses so much and would wear one everyday if I had enough.

Have an amazing rest of the week and weekend. I'm so excited to be going home for the first time and getting to watch my sister cheer at her high school football game. Then I'm headed over to Clemson for the game against Georgia Tech with my parents and my boyfriend's family. I'm so excited to get a weekend to just have fun and catch up! Happy Fall!

What are your favorite birthday traditions? Do you remember a specific birthday? Why that birthday?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Keep the Old

Hey guys! Hope your week got off to a good start. Personally I'm trying to get over the wet, crowded, bummer of a weekend that resulted in my cute black romper being covered by a rain jacket and of course a devastating loss to Bama (gasp!). Well life goes on, and apparently so does the rain. On the bright side the forecast looks great for the rest of the week so maybe y'all will get a little break from my constant complaining about the weather! It's a new week so let's make it great!

Today, I want to talk about friends! I love mine, and have definitely began some amazing relationships while I've been at school. Shoutout to everyone I have meet and especially my ballin' roommate Anna! She's great! Also shoutout to all of my sorority sisters who have made finding a place a little easier.

Although I love my new friends, and I'm excited to get to know everyone so much better, I never want to forget my old friends. These are the friends that you grew up with, the high school friends who stuck with you from the awkward braces stage to the drama stage and to the stage where you were making decisions about your life.

It's so hard going to college and leaving your friends and your comfort zone behind, but really what you need to realize (really I need to realize) is that those girls and guys are still your comfort zone and you never want to give that up. The memories will always be there and when you keep up and make effort with your old friends, those people will always be there too. The pictures I've posted are of my camp friends who came for the awful game this weekend and my high school friends from graduation!

So what did I do? Well I will start off saying that, I am not doing a very good job of keeping in touch. Lately I've been letting the "I'm busy" excuse get the best of me. You could say that this post is a post to keep me accountable. But one thing that I made sure of before I graduated was to write a list of the people that I want to continue our relationship with through college and beyond. I knew that it would take effort to keep the friendships going, so I wrote a list to help me remember who really means the most to me and who I should make the effort to keep up with. Again, I'm not really succeeding, but every once in a while I'll send a text or pick up the phone. Another thing to remember is that those people need to meet you halfway, so once you put the effort in, make sure they are also putting effort or the friendship won't really go anywhere.

My hope for you is that you figure out the old friends who mean the most to you, and you make the effort to continue your relationship. They were such a huge part of your life, and letting that go completely probably isn't the move. Give them a call, a text, a tweet, or even a poke on Facebook. Make the effort because a little goes a long way.

Who are you friends that you need to reconnect with or put in the effort to keep the relationship going? Will you make that move?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

1 Dress 2 ways

Hey guys! So I don't know about where you live, but here in Athens the sun finally came out. I was s tired of the gross rainy and sometimes misty days. They just suck your energy out of you and put you in a dreary mood. I'm thankful that's over.

So today I want to share my absolute favorite LBD from Brandy Melville. I found it in the shop in New York 2 years ago and probably have worn it 100 times since then. It seriously goes with anything, and you can get so creative when it comes to putting together a look. Love Love Love this dress! It is a must buy for any season, and you won't regret the purchase. It's simple and cotton, but can be dressed up or dressed down.

Here are two looks that I have put together. One is more casual. I would wear it to go shopping or meet a friend for lunch. By the way it is so comfortable and easy to wear. I paired it with my converse and an arrow head necklace. The purse is a small leather cross body that was bought in Italy by my sister (shoutout to LUCY).

 The next look is the same black dress but shown in a fancier way. I added a long cardigan from Dress Up and a long necklace. This whole outfit is very flowy and elongated. I added heels so that I didn't look too short. I wore this outfit to a Sunday brunch this past weekend when my parents were in town. It was so comfortable but also gave off a more sophisticated and dressier look.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the pictures. As you can see by the picture above I get so nervous while taking these because there are so many people around. It's hard to not be embarrassed, but I think these turned out pretty well. I'm starting to get the hang of this whole blogging pictures thing, but I know I have a lot to learn. Stay tuned…because I might surprise you!

Comment about your LBD!