Thursday, December 31, 2015

NYE 2016

Today is the 31th if you haven't looked at your calendar yet. This means that you only have today appreciate 2015. Wow a year come and gone. In a way it's sad because so many things have happened and there are so many good memories. BUT there is another way to look at it. It is a chance to start new and improve yourself. It is a time that is inspiring and shouts "I'm going to be better than what I have been." That part is amazing.

I love New Years because I love to celebrate and accept what has happened. When graduating from high school I chose to appreciate that period in my life along with the people who impacted me and the experiences I had instead of wallowing in the sadness of it being over. For New Years I like to accept the ending of the year and hope for an even better one.

On another note, New Years resolutions are tricky. There is the type of person who makes a ton of resolutions to only break/ give up on them within a few days. AND there is the type of person who surprises everyone for 2 or 3 months, but then fades into the background and ends up breaking it. I've never really heard of many people who keep their resolutions even when there is good intention. Last year my family wrote lists of things we wanted to accomplish in 2015. When we read them again, only 2 or 3 things were completed. Yikes.  How can we do better at sticking to what we say we will accomplish? Good question.

Here are my resolutions for the year. I took a different approach this time around. I decided to pick parts of my life that needed more mental work than physical.

1. Increase my confidence and self-worth
2. Be more content with my life and my friends and the things I am blessed with
3. Concentrate on creating relationships and making better ones with friends and family
4. Go on more adventures (down the road or in another country)

These things will be everyday struggles, but will pay off so much more in the long run. The only downside is that there is no tangible indicator that I have reached my goal, so it will be up to me to decide this. I only hope that there will be moments when I can realize how far I've come or when I realize just how far I have to go.

I hope you take time to really think about your resolutions. Make them really mean something to you, and then truly fight to get to where you want to go. You are beautiful and amazing and worth every struggle. Keep your head up and never stop dreaming and working to be a better you.

Enjoy and make the most of this last day before you get a chance to change the way you live for the next 365 (not that any day isn't a great day to change)! Happy New Years! Take time to appreciate and know just how blessed you are to be alive.

What do your resolutions look like? Are you excited to get started?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It's Just Cake

I'm a weirdo if you haven't realized it yet, and I can just see Anna looking at her computer screen thinking "ya and I have to live with her." Well anyway, I was just about to doze off into a deep sleep when my crazy brain decided to come up with a blog post idea. SO here I am at 1:30 in the morning thinking about cake. Not because I'm a fattie and eat cake all the time (although I do love cake) but because over the holidays I worked at Piece of Cake. It's the best cake company ever, and the cakes are literally to die for.

I walked into my first day of work very nervous. I didn't want to be late, and I wanted to make a good first impression to hopefully secure a holiday job for Christmas breaks to come. Ann one of the workers there showed me around, handed me a red t-shirt, and made me feel right at home. Then she explained that especially around the holidays things can get kind of crazy and people can be very rude, but the thing she said next stuck with me enough lie awake thinking about cake. She said "There's one thing you have to remember about it all, is that it's just cake."

Wow, I realized what she meant after a couple of rude and cranky costomers came in complaining about cakes and blaming it on the workers (when clearly it wasn't us). People get really heated about cake. Like really upset. It got me thinking about what the cake was in my life…or the things that I get worked up over and the little things I make into huge deals.  My cake is definitely what others think of me. My cake is the things I cannot control like others people actions. My cake is trying to make everything perfect when that is clearly impossible. These things matter, but aren't the end of the world by any means. They are parts of my life that I should be making joy and love and happiness, but instead creating problems.

It's just cake... So I should take a deep breath, remember the things I'm thankful for and the amazing things that I have in my life, and realize that cake isn't the end of the world. Take a second to think about your "cake" and all of the little things that mean so little in the long run. Enjoy the rest of the break or enjoy this holiday season because it's not over yet!

I'm so excited for New Years and starting new. Thanks for reading! Have an amazing day. Plus there will be new posts about my break travels!!! Keep checking!

 What was your favorite part of Christmas?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

10 Things to do on Christmas

It's official…I'm the worst. I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. Wow how can I call yourself a blogger if I don't blog. Yikes. Well I apologize, but if you just bare with me, I promise it is coming. I'm planning some new and exciting things that will put me more in tune with the blogging world. I want to change the look a little and start connecting more with others.

Essentially, the past couple of months have been a test run. To 1) see if I could do it…which has turned out good, but has allowed me to realize that I MUST keep on top of posts AND 2) to see if blogging was worth my time and energy. I love it. I really do, but I know it will take a lot of time and I know I'm spreading myself thin next semester. I'll have to plan ahead (something I'm not good at) and really just keep trusting myself and my content.

So I was making a gift guide, but after a couple days without finishing it I stopped because christmas is a 2 days away. At this point if you don't have a gift…you most likely are exactly like me and will homemake something OR add your name to someone else's gift. Then you will probably swear to yourself that next year you are getting a head start on your shopping only for it to happen again. Someday I'll be ready for Christmas. This is one of character flaws for sure. I have some amazing ideas and I love being creative, but the execution is really tough for me.

To finish off this post here are the TOP 10 THINGS YOU MUST DO ON CHRISTMAS AND CHRISTMAS EVE:

1. Wear Christmas PJs preferably matching with the fam
2. Leave Milk an Cookies for Santa (I don't care how old you are!)
3. Read the Christmas Story…you must remember the REAL reason for the season
4. Get in bed early…only to lay awake anticipating the next day's fun
5. Build a Fire (i'll in Florida so this probably won't happen)
6. Family card game
7. Be the one that hands out all of the gifts in the morning
8. Dress up in a Christmas outfit for a special lunch or dinner
9. Text or call friends wishing them a Merry Christmas
10. Watch It's A Wonderful Life and hug your mother when she cry (shoutout to my mom)

I love Christmas and it's ability to bring people together. My family is crazy, but I love them and the time I get to spend with them especially now that I'm away at college. I also have seen a lo of my high school friends which is amazing. I love catching up and realizing that it doesn't even seem like we've been apart. I'm headed down to the beach where I will most likely be wearing shorts and walking on the beach due to the extremely hot weather…then I'm headed to the mountains with my camp friends. I'm pumped to be in colder weather and brush up on my skiing skills. Stay tuned. I promise I'm still blogging.

Have a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy every moment!

 What are your favorite Christmas traditions? One of my friends always sleeps in the same room as her siblings on Christmas Eve…How fun!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Hey Friends,

If you are in school, finals are probably killing you. I know I'm either stressed out because of all the work and studying I have, or procrastinating which stresses me out even more. Well there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if your grades don't turn out the way you want them too, Christmas break is so close you can feel it and your cozy bed at home is in reach.

I'm taking a study break right now, in between studying for Psych and finishing my English portfolio. Man oh man, I hate studying, and I think the holiday season is kinda bummed down because everyone is too busy trying to save their grades to celebrate. I thought I'd make a list of study break ideas that could help you from burning out and letting finals get the best of you.

1. Exercise or take a walk
         I spent 5 hours studying in the student center today, and after that I definitely needed a break to clear my mind. I went to the gym and worked out which made me feel so much better, and gave my brain a little rest. Plus today was beautiful in Athens and perfect for a stroll.

2. Catch up with a friend
       Yes everyone is in the same place as you, and they also need a break. Text a friend that you haven't seen in a while and have lunch at a dinning hall or coffee at Starbucks. It will take your mind off of your tests, and it will be nice company.

3. Send encouraging texts and letters to your friends.
       Again everyone is in the same boat as you, and saying some nice words to a friend not only makes them feel special and loved in a tough time but it also make you feel good. Take the time to encourage those in your classes and on your hall.

4. Blog...or Journal
     In my case, blogging is my study break, but you can still write even if you don't have a wildly successful blog like mine (ha. ha.). Take out that journal sitting in your drawer, and write about you whats going on in your head and your heart. Getting things on paper can help you fee relieved and ready to take on new challenges.

5. Think about what makes studying worth it/ your goals for the future.
     Right now it can seem that your (well my) Human Geography or History class have no significance what-so-ever in your life. It is so hard to relate the minimal things in your life to the dreams and aspirations you want so dearly. Take time to really think about what you want in the future and realize that achieving that goal starts now with the classes you are taking. Everything is leading towards your future so make it count.

On this same subject about future, my small group leader showed me this video today. It is bouncing around Facebook too, so you may have already seen it. It is Stefan Vandenkooy (cool name) reading spoken word. He mentions that although we are taking finals now, later we will be faced with other finals, and God is there to help us. It is really powerful and convicting. Check it out. It is totally worth it.

I hope your week is going great, and I'm putting together some gift guides on a budget because I definitely do not have the money to spend on expensive gifts for the fam. They will have to just do with my love and my awesome taste. Thanks for stopping by as usual.

How do you take a study break?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Style Crushes

Hey friends! So I hope your week has been good so far. I hope it is full of christmas carols and cheery decorations. I love christmas music so much (especially Michael Buble)  but it isn't cold yet here in Athens so it is throwing me off just a little bit.

I was talking to my mom today, and she seemed a little concerned about me after my last post. Well let me explain. First of all, I'm totally fine. I had just been thinking about that topic for awhile and how true a statement "Life is Hard" really is. I'm not just talking the big deep emotional stuff...but i'm talking about the day to day things. It's just not always easy, but it's always worth it. If you missed the post you can find it here. 

So to change the subject and talk a little more light heartedly, I wanted to share the clothing items I am crushing on for this winter. I hope you enjoy!


                                        Red  Bow Dress //  Funky Crop Top // Black Skirt 

Red Dress- Well isn't this just the best dress you've ever seen? It's so simple yet so pretty. The bow sold me.. and it was love at first sight. Perfect for a holiday party where you want to stand out! The shoes on the model are so cute as well!!!

The Crop Top and The Set- Okay so this is the major style right now: Having an outfit set usually a involving a crop top. This one was found on the Nordstrom website and is just so cool. The pattern stands out and the best thing about it is that it can go with so many bottoms like jeans, high waisted shorts, or a...

Black Skirt - Yes, the crop top will go great with this skirt, and there are so many skater skirts out there that are shorter than this one. I live and breath my black skirt (which you will definitely be seeing in outfit posts soon)! It is just so simple to throw on for any occasion. I also have the ability to create any outfit possible with such a plain but stylish skirt!

I hope you liked my holiday crushes. I definitely have my eye on a lot of things this season, but these are some main pieces I look for when I shop. Hope the rest of your week goes great! Keep on keeping on and Happy Holidays! Stay tuned for more!

 What is your favorite part about the Holidays? Do you have any style crushes of you own?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Life Is Hard

Hey guys! I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love, appreciation, family, and friends. Mine definitely was, but don't be family is just as crazy as yours. Finals are coming up which actually stinks. My first semester at college is also coming to a close which is even more scary. I can't imagine being anywhere else, and I don't want to see freshman fly past.

The name of this post is Life is Hard, because more and more I've realized just how accurate this statement is. It is not an easy thing... and as Kid President points out sometimes we just need a high five for making it out of bed in the morning. Life is hard because you are thrown into situations that seem like there are no solutions, or you are hurt in ways that don't seem fair, or you may lose yourself for awhile. Life is hard when you have no motivation. Life is hard when feel alone. And life is hard when you can't imagine what your next move is. It's just hard, and IT'S OKAY to struggle. It means your human. I need to remember that sometimes because I'm doing the best I can and that's okay.

So you, person reading this from across from your computer or phone...its okay because life is hard. You don't have to pretend that you are flawless and don't have troubles. It's okay because we all do. Life is hard, but it is worth it. The experiences and the memories and the relationships are all worth it even when it's hard. So keep on keeping on. Wake up. Breathe. Live. Give Thanks.

One thing I've been struggling with lately is this blog. I really enjoy blogging, but sometimes I feel like I don't have the time to put into it and to make it really great. I start comparing myself to other bloggers who look like they have everything together with their blogs. They have amazing pictures and wonderful travel adventures. I'm just a college freshman sitting on the floor of her dorm writing about how hard life (i'm actually siting on the floor when there are two beds and a perfectly good futon to sit on...why I have no idea. Haha. I have to remind myself that I don't have to be blog famous. I don't have to have the perfect blog look. As long as I am writing and enjoying's all okay. Maybe someday I will have more to share, and maybe someday I will have the confidence to share my blog with the people in my daily life without feeling judged or intimidated.

On that note, I'm going to keep sharing, and I hope you'll keep reading. I am going to play dress up with my closet over christmas break so be looking forward to that. I'm actually so excited because I want to see how I put my outfits together and the kinds of pictures I can take. Sydney gave me her word that she'd help me and I'm holding her to that by calling her out on the blog...sorry Syd. Love ya.

Anyways. Keep on trucking because you are worth it and life is worth. Have an amazing Tuesday because you'll never get this day back. Thanks for reading. Also It's December...which is crazy!