Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Life Is Hard

Hey guys! I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with love, appreciation, family, and friends. Mine definitely was, but don't be fooled...my family is just as crazy as yours. Finals are coming up which actually stinks. My first semester at college is also coming to a close which is even more scary. I can't imagine being anywhere else, and I don't want to see freshman fly past.

The name of this post is Life is Hard, because more and more I've realized just how accurate this statement is. It is not an easy thing... and as Kid President points out sometimes we just need a high five for making it out of bed in the morning. Life is hard because you are thrown into situations that seem like there are no solutions, or you are hurt in ways that don't seem fair, or you may lose yourself for awhile. Life is hard when you have no motivation. Life is hard when feel alone. And life is hard when you can't imagine what your next move is. It's just hard, and IT'S OKAY to struggle. It means your human. I need to remember that sometimes because I'm doing the best I can and that's okay.

So you, person reading this from across from your computer or phone...its okay because life is hard. You don't have to pretend that you are flawless and don't have troubles. It's okay because we all do. Life is hard, but it is worth it. The experiences and the memories and the relationships are all worth it even when it's hard. So keep on keeping on. Wake up. Breathe. Live. Give Thanks.

One thing I've been struggling with lately is this blog. I really enjoy blogging, but sometimes I feel like I don't have the time to put into it and to make it really great. I start comparing myself to other bloggers who look like they have everything together with their blogs. They have amazing pictures and wonderful travel adventures. I'm just a college freshman sitting on the floor of her dorm writing about how hard life is...wow (i'm actually siting on the floor when there are two beds and a perfectly good futon to sit on...why I have no idea. Haha. I have to remind myself that I don't have to be blog famous. I don't have to have the perfect blog look. As long as I am writing and enjoying it..it's all okay. Maybe someday I will have more to share, and maybe someday I will have the confidence to share my blog with the people in my daily life without feeling judged or intimidated.

On that note, I'm going to keep sharing, and I hope you'll keep reading. I am going to play dress up with my closet over christmas break so be looking forward to that. I'm actually so excited because I want to see how I put my outfits together and the kinds of pictures I can take. Sydney gave me her word that she'd help me and I'm holding her to that by calling her out on the blog...sorry Syd. Love ya.

Anyways. Keep on trucking because you are worth it and life is worth. Have an amazing Tuesday because you'll never get this day back. Thanks for reading. Also It's December...which is crazy!

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