Thursday, December 31, 2015

NYE 2016

Today is the 31th if you haven't looked at your calendar yet. This means that you only have today appreciate 2015. Wow a year come and gone. In a way it's sad because so many things have happened and there are so many good memories. BUT there is another way to look at it. It is a chance to start new and improve yourself. It is a time that is inspiring and shouts "I'm going to be better than what I have been." That part is amazing.

I love New Years because I love to celebrate and accept what has happened. When graduating from high school I chose to appreciate that period in my life along with the people who impacted me and the experiences I had instead of wallowing in the sadness of it being over. For New Years I like to accept the ending of the year and hope for an even better one.

On another note, New Years resolutions are tricky. There is the type of person who makes a ton of resolutions to only break/ give up on them within a few days. AND there is the type of person who surprises everyone for 2 or 3 months, but then fades into the background and ends up breaking it. I've never really heard of many people who keep their resolutions even when there is good intention. Last year my family wrote lists of things we wanted to accomplish in 2015. When we read them again, only 2 or 3 things were completed. Yikes.  How can we do better at sticking to what we say we will accomplish? Good question.

Here are my resolutions for the year. I took a different approach this time around. I decided to pick parts of my life that needed more mental work than physical.

1. Increase my confidence and self-worth
2. Be more content with my life and my friends and the things I am blessed with
3. Concentrate on creating relationships and making better ones with friends and family
4. Go on more adventures (down the road or in another country)

These things will be everyday struggles, but will pay off so much more in the long run. The only downside is that there is no tangible indicator that I have reached my goal, so it will be up to me to decide this. I only hope that there will be moments when I can realize how far I've come or when I realize just how far I have to go.

I hope you take time to really think about your resolutions. Make them really mean something to you, and then truly fight to get to where you want to go. You are beautiful and amazing and worth every struggle. Keep your head up and never stop dreaming and working to be a better you.

Enjoy and make the most of this last day before you get a chance to change the way you live for the next 365 (not that any day isn't a great day to change)! Happy New Years! Take time to appreciate and know just how blessed you are to be alive.

What do your resolutions look like? Are you excited to get started?

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